Saturday 5 November 2016

Panama City

We didn't stay long but we sure liked our anchorage at Andrews State Park near Panama City.

It was after our long day and night passage from Mobile Bay and we were soooo tired.  We set the anchor and had that wonderful dolphin experience that I wrote about in the last post.  Belive it or not those same dolphins hung around the boat most of the day.  Harley went swimming so he could check the bottom and the prop and the dolphins were right there keeping an eye on him.  They swam around the boat but kept their distance.  It was unnerving and very cool! 

After a short nap we went to shore and walked across the spit of land where we discovered a fabulous beach on the other side. 

Along the way we stopped for ice cream (a delicacy for cruisers) and I was thoroughly enjoying it  when we had another awsome experience.  A family of deer were grazing just off the road on both sides.  Now here was the dilemma:  I had ice cream in one hand and a bag with my camera in it in the other.  I was thinking about throwing my cone to grab the camera when Harley came to my rescue.  The deer didn't budge.  Phew, that was close!

The beach was amazing!  There is just something about a beach that makes me feel great and, for the short time I was there, I forgot how tired I was.

We walked the shoreline and around the point.  To our surprise, there were a bunch of people scuba diving on a reef that lined the inlet.  It turns out this is a popular spot for those who scuba dive.  Who knew?

When we got back to the boat Don and Peg on Endeavour were just rounding the point and coming into the anchorage.   It seemed they too wanted to make some headway before the wind turned around.... and did it ever. 

The wind picked up overnight and we had to move to a more protected anchorage....and yes, there are more dolphins.  Ho hum...more dolphins pfft. (Just kidding)  I will never tire of them. Tomorrow we sail to the port of St Joes ..... but more about that time.


  1. Ice cream! I'm with you there Janice! I like eating it in the middle of winter during a rain squall. Anytime, really. Love this spot. Hopefully you'll get a chance to catch up on some zzzzs. N,x

  2. Beautiful pics Janice. Isn't it wonderful when the worlds conspires to bring beautiful surprises? It seems that you have been enjoying many of them lately. All good omens.
