Friday 6 January 2017

It's not always Sunshine and Rainbows!

What is it they say?  When the wind shifts you need to adjust the sails?  It goes something like that. .....Anyway. ...

You know how I talk about "expect the unexpected"?  Well, unexpectedly (but not surprisingly) we have  an issue with our rudder that needs attention.  For those who know about these things, the bearings need replacement.  Not only does this mean we need to be hauled out, it also means we likely won't be sailing any further south this winter.  Perhaps if everything comes together quickly we will but, for now, that is not in the plans.

First of all, we have to get the parts, which are not available at this time but "Catalina Direct" is working on it.  Then we have to find a place to haul us out of the water.   Here in Georgetown there is nothing reliable but, 150 miles to the north of us, in Spanish Wells there is.

We have no idea when the parts will get here but when they do we will wait for a weather window to travel up there.  It's important that we sail up in light winds as we don't want to put unnecessary pressure on the steering.   Right now we are bracing ourselves for a big blow expected to arrive tomorrow and continue for at least a week so, naturally, we'll be waiting that out. 

In the meantime we are trying to stay positive.   After all, it's not the end of the world.  We are still having fun.  We are not sinking.  We can still sail the boat.  We are not shoveling snow.  Life is good.

The plan now is to wait for the parts to arrive, wait out this blow,  sail to Spanish Wells, fix the booboo, and reassess.  Hopefully our next post will have good news.

So...more about time.

1 comment:

  1. Ahoy matey yer' in a fix! At least it's fixable. I like your positive take on it Janice. You're not sinking...and you have a plan. Plans are so good to steer one's life by. Just forgive me. Sending love to you both. N,x
