Friday, 21 April 2017

More about that next time.......

Carole-Anne has come and gone and if I could sum up her visit with one word it would be WINDY and with that came challenges.   Number controls everything.   It dictates when you can snorkel the reef,  swim,  and even move the boat.  So given that, we were not able to fit in all that we wanted while she was here but we did manage to fit in quite a lot and we're  thankful for that.  This was mostly due to Kevin and Mandy, our friends and local residents on Green Turtle Cay, who took time out of their busy schedules to show  us around.  For this we cannot thank them enough and truly appreciate everything they did for us.

It really is hard not to have a good time in Abaco even with the relentless wind.  The sun still shines,  the beaches are still lovely, the social life carries on (In fact there is a party happening somewhere every night if that's what turns you on.) or you can kick back and relax.  We did it all and then some. 

Towards the end of C.-A.'s stay the wind died down just enough for us to take Folly around the infamous "Whale Cay Passage" so that we could show her another side of Abaco with Hope Town being on the top of the list.  As expected our stay there was phenomenal and we were all glad we made the effort to get there. 

The last day of her visit was spent in Treasure Cay,  which turned out to be a lovely way to end the 10-day Abaco experience.   Yesterday we said our goodbyes. 

Today, believe it or not, we are on our way to Florida.....another Bahamian winter is over *pout*.  We left from Green Turtle Cay this morning and we plan to sail straight to Cape Canaveral inlet....about a 195-mile and 36-hour trip.  The gulf stream crossing promises to be favorable hence our decision to sail non-stop.

I'm not sure if I'm going to add any more blog posts after this one.  When we get to Florida we will put Folly into storage on dry dock at the Westland Marina in Titusville.   The next few days will be hot and tough and no doubt gruelling as we prepare the boat to be left for 6 months on the hard during hurricane season.  This is the not so fun stuff that comes with boat ownership.

Before I  sign out I want to thank everyone who read this blog.  Your encouragement helped me more than you know.  Thanks for letting me share my memories with you and for letting me vent when I  needed to.  And please don't forget these accounts and experiences were solely from my point of view.  I'm sure Harley could tell you a completely different story.   hahaha!

One thing for sure, we will both miss the Bahamas and we will be counting the days until we return......but

More about that next year!

A sea star 
Harley and Carole-Anne 
Boat kids easter egg hunting
Manjack Cay
She kept her dress bone dry!
Love the curtains
Exploring in Kevin's Whaler
Kevin was kind enough to lend us his cart for a week!
Finally a turtle picture.  We saw many but they are extremely camera shy.
Kevin and C-A selfie
Me Harley and C-A
An abandoned building in New Plymouth 
Kevin and Harley at Gilliam Beach Green Turtle Cay 
The waves crashing on "The Whale"
This is a private yacht.
Kevin took us to this secret place
Many of the private homes here have a resort feel.

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Last Kick at the Can

It's  not called Green Turtle Cay (GTC) for nothing.  White Sound, where we are staying,  is loaded with large majestic turtles.  This morning I saw one with a head the size of a watermelon.  It must be the grassy bottom that attracts them but, whatever the case, I'm glad they're here.  They are sneaky little devils though.  I have yet to get a picture of one.

Incidentally, the grassy bottom may be good for turtles  but it sure makes it difficult, if not impossible, to anchor in.  It took us four tries to get hooked.  Since then we have watched many others come and experience the same problem we had, but eventually everyone manages to find a little patch of sand to drop their anchor in and all is good.

We arrived here over a week ago and since then we've been taking it easy settling into life on this delightful and historic island.  There certainly is no lack for things to do here but everything is relaxed  and lovely and easy to take. There are beaches to enjoy and many good restaurants;  you can even have lunch or even breakfast at the liquor store!  We've been enjoying it all and of course the company of fellow boaters....some we've been travelling with and some we've reunited with....and it's been very entertaining! 

It seems GTC is the last major stop before the snowbird cruisers stage to cross to the states and eventually back to their homes up north.  For some it's their last kick at the can so to speak.  We've meet up with countless cruisers that we have met this season all hating to leave yet excited to see their families again. 

Today we sadly watched the anchorage empty out as this is the weather window they were all looking for.   Harley and I are staying for at least another eleven days because....lucky for us...we have my sister-in-law Carole-Anne coming to visit on April 10th.  Also, we have our friends Mandy and Kevin, who live here on the island, to help us show her a good Ole Bahamian-style good time.   We can't wait!  ....but...

More about that next time.

Leaving the Tranquil Turtle at sunset
Some candid happy hour shots on Kiddy Kat
The Tranquil Turtle 
Bluff House Marina
Beach treasures from White Sound
Kayaking in White Sound
Panoramic view of New Plymouth, GTC
Harley, Me,  Mandy.....on Shamu
Downtown New Plymouth, GTC